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jQuery Ajax Render Fragments OR Whole Page -

i'm in throes of building application wraps mess of legacy code. page working on, need substitute fragment divs constructed on back-end -- or else need replace entire page altogether. idea there dynamically controlled flow needs satisfied before can forward legacy product. substituting fragments works fine, seen in below my_body_content swap. trouble comes when i'm trying render not fragment, whole page, in "body" swap. @ point page goes blank. i want similar errors returned server. want nice rest 404 error messages displayed on screen, legacy-product 404s show in legacy-product 404 page. yes, requirements project weird. that's not problem can fix. here's jquery invocation, names changed protect guilty: $.ajax({ url: "places/things", type: "post", data: json.stringify(somebadassobject), datatype: "text", accepts: "text/html", contenttype: "application/json; charset=

Eclipse RCP- org.eclipse.ui.plugin missing -

i've written eclipse rcp application runs fine in eclipse, however, packaging standalone application has been tricky. i've worked way though few class path errors, i'm getting new one. after running export wizard , launching application, throws classdeferror , classnotfoundexception, it's looking org.eclipse.ui.plugin.abstractuiplugin. did not find in copy of eclipse sdk, , downloaded sdk again sure, , still couldn't find it. found jar online supposedly contained fiel along other eclipse packages, however, got this: nosuchmethoderror: org.eclipse.ui.plugin.abstractuiplugin: method ()v not found i figure problem more did wrong rather class missing, i've gone though configurations , i'm sure required packages , dependencies included. ideas? download , install new version of adt plugin 21.0.0.

c# - Global Variables vs. ASP.NET Session State -

this going sound rather naive, i'm developing web application spans multiple pages. of these pages instantiate same class object w/ methods accesses cms using api. currently, when user starts creating content, i'm storing variables folder id content located in session variable. my question this: can instantiate single instance of class can used across pages without having on every page? if so, each person accessing page given own version of class? assume using static variables , methods isn't way go since shared in memory. , also, where/how declared if going used globally in web application in .net c# application? i recommend making base class inherits have page code behind inherit that. then, inside base class, create property reference object. example, this: public class basepage : { public foo currentfoo { { return (foo)session["foosessionob

C# Maintain 3 threads and close one if it takes to long -

this code using call 3 threads. for (int = 0; < 3; i++) { new thread(() => { processeventlogtesting(); }) {isbackground = true }.start(); } i thinking adjusting this public static int threadcounter = 0; if (threadcounter < 3) { threadcounter ++; (int = 0; < 3; i++) { new thread(() => { processeventlogtesting(/*somewhere in here code says */threadcounter--;);}) {isbackground = true }.start(); } } } however, think not best way this. also, want put in new timer says if thread x goes on 20 minutes, kill thread x. appreciated. since don't know thread does, try private object lockobject = new object(); private int threadcounter = 0; public int threadcounter { { lock(lockobject) { return threadcounter; } } set {

c# - LongListSelector Data Virtualization -

does longlistselector support data virtualization? read on several blogs does, can't work. here tried: provided ilist implementation itemssource list. problem list calls getenumerator() instead of this[int index] list item. so question: how implement data virtualization longlistselector ? as said, longlistselector still based around getenumerator when rendering ilist types. control need rewritten support purpose. while blogs might support it, none of them says how, i'm not inclined believe them. longlistselector's default render items. as loading of data, can done progressive using observablecollection. got example project shows how use observablecollection in combination longlistselector. basically allow progressively add more groups and/or, more data groups, , ui should update accordingly.

Taking picture without using Media Intent in android -

i developing application have take picture without using media intent i-e without previewing can can me in regard. waiting reply altaf you cannot take picture without preview. whether preview offered intent or preview create surfaceview when use camera object, there has preview.

eclipse - How do I relocate my Android project in SVN? -

i set svn repository android project wrong way , appreciated correcting it. i created standard svn repository follows (i did not create root "svn" folder because plan store 1 project in repository) : http://myserver/myproject /trunk /branches /tags when checked in project went root folder instead of /trunk folder. had folders: http://myserver/myproject /trunk /branches /tags /myproject /src /res /...etc i've been working way while, using eclipse , (i think) subversive svn connectors. know nothing svn command line. need move project trunk folder should have done beginning. copied myproject folder trunk folder copy/pasting in svn repositories view in eclipse , renamed old folder, have: http://myserver/myproject /trunk /myproject /src /res /...etc /branches /tags /myproject.old /src /res /...etc how project start using /tru