c# - How do I add controls dynamically to a dynamically created panel? -

i have repeater creates n-number of panels. trying dynamically add different controls each of panels. may going wrong way.

my code more or less:


   <asp:repeater id="repeater1" runat="server">     <itemtemplate>         <% response.write("<asp:panel runat=\"server\" id=\"uxpanel_"); %>         <%# databinder.eval(container.dataitem, "tableid")%><% response.write("\"></asp:panel>"); %>      </itemtemplate> </asp:repeater> 


public partial class class1: system.web.ui.page {   dataset ds= null; protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {     getrecords(1,1); }  protected void getrecords() {     ds= dal.loadrecords();      this.repeater1.datasource = ds.tables[0];     this.repeater1.databind();       literal lit = new literal();     lit.text = "some text";     this.findcontrol("uxpanel_1").controls.add(lit);           } 


just clear in example "dal.loadrecords" call method retrieves records db.

i think problem how adding panels in first place, seemed easy way have them uniquely named.

any pointers?


as previous answerer has said, fraught peril!

if must: should ditch repeater approach altogether.

create container panel or placeholder , in code behind dynamically add panels using containerpanel.controls.add(newpanel);

your child "panel" usercontrol if needs too.

be aware you'll have regenerate dynamic controls on postback.


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