QMake: how to let UIC generate BOTH header and source files? -

in .pro file, defined both ui_headers_dir = ./uic/include ui_sources_dir = ./uic/src after compiling, ui_x.h files, contain both declarations , implementations.

is mean qmake can't produce simple header file containing minimal declarations , put implementation details source file?

this sample generated .h file, can find both declarations , implementations placed within .h file:

/******************************************************************************** ** form generated reading ui file 'demodialog.ui' ** ** created: thu 21. jul 16:08:58 2011 **      by: qt user interface compiler version 4.7.2 ** ** warning! changes made in file lost when recompiling ui file! ********************************************************************************/  qt_begin_namespace  class ui_demodialog { public:      void setupui(qdialog *demodialog)     {         if (demodialog->objectname().isempty())             demodialog->setobjectname(qstring::fromutf8("demodialog"));         demodialog->resize(400, 300);          retranslateui(demodialog);          qmetaobject::connectslotsbyname(demodialog);     } // setupui      void retranslateui(qdialog *demodialog)     {         demodialog->setwindowtitle(qapplication::translate("demodialog", "dialog", 0, qapplication::unicodeutf8));     } // retranslateui };  namespace ui {     class demodialog: public ui_demodialog {}; } // namespace ui  qt_end_namespace 

the program reads .ui file , converts code 'uic', user interface compiler.

it doesn't write out source files: writes headers.

see its documentation.

so mystery why qmake variable reference page bothers ui_sources_dir exists?

there may undocumented uic option now, or previously, made qmake make uic write out .cpp file. if there is, not recommend using it, fear might disappear in future.


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