swing - java comboBox autocomplete -

can tell me how change code have autoselection , able write not existing items, because doesnt let me write new items.

public class comboboxfill extends plaindocument { comboboxmodel model; jcombobox combobox=new jcombobox(); jtextcomponent editor;  public comboboxfill(comboboxmodel model, jcombobox combobox,jtextcomponent editor)  {     this.model = model;     this.combobox=combobox;     this.editor=editor; }     public void insertstring (int offs,string str,attributeset a) throws badlocationexception     {         string currenttext=gettext(0,getlength());         string beforeoffset=currenttext.substring(0,offs);         string afteroffset=currenttext.substring(offs,currenttext.length());         string futuretext = beforeoffset+str+afteroffset;      object item =lookupitem(futuretext);     if (item!=null)     {         combobox.setselecteditem(item);     }else      {         item = combobox.getselecteditem();         offs=offs-str.length();         combobox.gettoolkit().beep();     }      super.remove(0, getlength());     super.insertstring(0, item.tostring(), a);      if (item.tostring().equals(str)&&offs==0)     {         highlightcompletedtext(0);     }else{         highlightcompletedtext(offs+str.length());         combobox.setpopupvisible(true);     } } private boolean startswithignorecase(string str1, string str2) {     return str1.touppercase().startswith(str2.touppercase()); } private void highlightcompletedtext(int start) {     editor.setcaretposition (getlength());     editor.movecaretposition(start); }  private object lookupitem(string pattern)  {     object selecteditem=model.getselecteditem(); if (selecteditem!=null && startswithignorecase(selecteditem.tostring(), pattern)){     return selecteditem; }else{     (int i=0, n=model.getsize();i<n;i++){         object currentitem = model.getelementat(i);         if (startswithignorecase(currentitem.tostring(),pattern))         {             return currentitem;         }     } }     return null;  } 


i call way:

        jtextcomponent editor3 = (jtextcomponent) combobox_2.geteditor().geteditorcomponent();     editor3.setdocument(new comboboxfill(combobox_2.getmodel(),combobox_2, editor3)); 

java2s has example this: autocompletecombobox


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