i working on game multiple levels. initial level runs fine not matter if start level 1 or level 2. within code next level loaded based off user's score. using game state manager dealloc initial level , load next level. in ios 4.2 code runs without error. however, in ios 4.3.3 exc_bad_access error when glclear(gl_color_buffer_bit) line called in rendder method of next level.

  • i not have zombies
  • analyze not return changes
  • i not see memory leaks in instruments

other posts suggested put glbindbuffer(gl_array_buffer, 0) , glbindbuffer(gl_element_array_buffer, 0) @ end of render method, same exc_bad_access error. sure access bad memory, opengl calls need made load new level w/o error?

render method same both levels:

//clear left on last frame, , set background color. glclearcolor(0xff/256.0f, 0x66/256.0f, 0x00/256.0f, 1.0f); glclear(gl_color_buffer_bit);  [tileworld draw];  [super renderendgame];  //you nice boring white screen if forget swap buffers. [self swapbuffers]; 

i have gltexture class handles opengl setup:

#import <opengles/es1/glext.h>  #import "gltexture.h" //constants: #define kmaxtexturesize  1024  //class implementations:  @implementation gltexture  @synthesize contentsize=_size, pixelformat=_format, pixelswide=_width, pixelshigh=_height, name=_name, maxs=_maxs, maxt=_maxt;  @dynamic width, height;  - (float) width {     return self.contentsize.width; }  - (float) height {     return self.contentsize.height; }  - (id) initwithdata:(const void*)data pixelformat:(gltexturepixelformat)pixelformat pixelswide:(nsuinteger)width pixelshigh:(nsuinteger)height contentsize:(cgsize)size {      glint savename;     if((self = [super init])) {         glgentextures(1, &_name); //get new texture id.  _name increases more textures loaded         glgetintegerv(gl_texture_binding_2d, &savename); //generally, savename==1.  gets existing bound texture, can restore after load.         glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, _name); //start working our new texture id         gltexparameteri(gl_texture_2d, gl_texture_min_filter, gl_linear);         //associate pixel data texture id.         switch(pixelformat) {             case kgltexturepixelformat_rgba8888:                 glteximage2d(gl_texture_2d, 0, gl_rgba, width, height, 0, gl_rgba, gl_unsigned_byte, data);                 break;             case kgltexturepixelformat_rgb565:                 glteximage2d(gl_texture_2d, 0, gl_rgb, width, height, 0, gl_rgb, gl_unsigned_short_5_6_5, data);                 break;             case kgltexturepixelformat_a8:                 glteximage2d(gl_texture_2d, 0, gl_alpha, width, height, 0, gl_alpha, gl_unsigned_byte, data);                 break;             default:                 [nsexception raise:nsinternalinconsistencyexception format:@""];          }         glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, savename); //restore previous texture binding.          //nslog(@"name %d, savename %d", _name, savename);          _size = size;         _width = width;         _height = height;         _format = pixelformat;         _maxs = size.width / (float)width;         _maxt = size.height / (float)height;     }      return self; }  - (void) dealloc {     if(_name)         gldeletetextures(1, &_name);      [super dealloc]; }  - (nsstring*) description {     return [nsstring stringwithformat:@"<%@ = %08x | name = %i | dimensions = %ix%i | coordinates = (%.2f, %.2f)>", [self class], self, _name, _width, _height, _maxs, _maxt]; }  @end  @implementation gltexture (image)  - (id) initwithimage:(uiimage *)uiimage {     nsuinteger              width,     height,     i;     cgcontextref            context = nil;     void*                   data = nil;;     cgcolorspaceref         colorspace;     void*                   tempdata;     unsigned int*           inpixel32;     unsigned short*         outpixel16;     bool                    hasalpha;     cgimagealphainfo        info;     cgaffinetransform       transform;     cgsize                  imagesize;     gltexturepixelformat    pixelformat;     cgimageref              image;     uiimageorientation      orientation;     bool                    sizetofit = no;       image = [uiimage cgimage];     orientation = [uiimage imageorientation];       if(image == null) {         [self release];         nslog(@"image null");         return nil;     }       info = cgimagegetalphainfo(image);     hasalpha = ((info == kcgimagealphapremultipliedlast) || (info == kcgimagealphapremultipliedfirst) || (info == kcgimagealphalast) || (info == kcgimagealphafirst) ? yes : no);     if(cgimagegetcolorspace(image)) {         if(hasalpha)             pixelformat = kgltexturepixelformat_rgba8888;         else             pixelformat = kgltexturepixelformat_rgb565;     } else  //note: no colorspace means mask image         pixelformat = kgltexturepixelformat_a8;       imagesize = cgsizemake(cgimagegetwidth(image), cgimagegetheight(image));     transform = cgaffinetransformidentity;      width = imagesize.width;      if((width != 1) && (width & (width - 1))) {         = 1;         while((sizetofit ? 2 * : i) < width)             *= 2;         width = i;     }     height = imagesize.height;     if((height != 1) && (height & (height - 1))) {         = 1;         while((sizetofit ? 2 * : i) < height)             *= 2;         height = i;     }     while((width > kmaxtexturesize) || (height > kmaxtexturesize)) {         width /= 2;         height /= 2;         transform = cgaffinetransformscale(transform, 0.5, 0.5);         imagesize.width *= 0.5;         imagesize.height *= 0.5;     }      switch(pixelformat) {                case kgltexturepixelformat_rgba8888:             colorspace = cgcolorspacecreatedevicergb();             data = malloc(height * width * 4);             context = cgbitmapcontextcreate(data, width, height, 8, 4 * width, colorspace, kcgimagealphapremultipliedlast | kcgbitmapbyteorder32big);             cgcolorspacerelease(colorspace);             break;         case kgltexturepixelformat_rgb565:             colorspace = cgcolorspacecreatedevicergb();             data = malloc(height * width * 4);             context = cgbitmapcontextcreate(data, width, height, 8, 4 * width, colorspace, kcgimagealphanoneskiplast | kcgbitmapbyteorder32big);             cgcolorspacerelease(colorspace);             break;          case kgltexturepixelformat_a8:             data = malloc(height * width);             context = cgbitmapcontextcreate(data, width, height, 8, width, null, kcgimagealphaonly);             break;                       default:             [nsexception raise:nsinternalinconsistencyexception format:@"invalid pixel format"];     }       cgcontextclearrect(context, cgrectmake(0, 0, width, height));     cgcontexttranslatectm(context, 0, height - imagesize.height);      if(!cgaffinetransformisidentity(transform))         cgcontextconcatctm(context, transform);     cgcontextdrawimage(context, cgrectmake(0, 0, cgimagegetwidth(image), cgimagegetheight(image)), image);     //convert "rrrrrrrrrggggggggbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaa" "rrrrrggggggbbbbb"     if(pixelformat == kgltexturepixelformat_rgb565) {         tempdata = malloc(height * width * 2);         inpixel32 = (unsigned int*)data;         outpixel16 = (unsigned short*)tempdata;         for(i = 0; < width * height; ++i, ++inpixel32)             *outpixel16++ = ((((*inpixel32 >> 0) & 0xff) >> 3) << 11) | ((((*inpixel32 >> 8) & 0xff) >> 2) << 5) | ((((*inpixel32 >> 16) & 0xff) >> 3) << 0);         free(data);         data = tempdata;      }     self = [self initwithdata:data pixelformat:pixelformat pixelswide:width pixelshigh:height contentsize:imagesize];      cgcontextrelease(context);     free(data);      return self; }  @end   @implementation gltexture (drawing)    - (void) drawatpoint:(cgpoint)point  {     glfloat     coordinates[] = { 0,    _maxt,         _maxs,  _maxt,         0,      0,         _maxs,  0 };     glfloat     width = (glfloat)_width * _maxs,     height = (glfloat)_height * _maxt;     glfloat     vertices[] = {  -width / 2.0f + point.x,    -height / 2.0f + point.y,   0.0,         width / 2.0f + point.x, -height / 2.0f + point.y,   0.0,         -width / 2.0f + point.x,    height / 2.0f + point.y,    0.0,         width / 2.0f + point.x, height / 2.0f + point.y,    0.0 };      glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, _name);     glvertexpointer(3, gl_float, 0, vertices);     gltexcoordpointer(2, gl_float, 0, coordinates);     gldrawarrays(gl_triangle_strip, 0, 4); }  - (void) drawatpoint:(cgpoint)point withrotation:(cgfloat)rotation withscale:(cgfloat)scale {     glfloat     coordinates[] = { 0,    _maxt,         _maxs,  _maxt,         0,      0,         _maxs,  0 };     glfloat     width = (glfloat)_width * _maxs,     height = (glfloat)_height * _maxt;     glfloat     vertices[] = {           -width / 2.0f,  -height / 2.0f, 0.0,         width / 2.0f,   -height / 2.0f, 0.0,         -width / 2.0f,  height / 2.0f,  0.0,         width / 2.0f,   height / 2.0f,  0.0      };       glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, _name);     glvertexpointer(3, gl_float, 0, vertices);     gltexcoordpointer(2, gl_float, 0, coordinates);      glpushmatrix();     gltranslatef(point.x, point.y, 0);     glrotatef(rotation, 0, 0, 1); //in degrees, screen origin.     glscalef(scale, scale, scale);     gldrawarrays(gl_triangle_strip, 0, 4);     glpopmatrix(); }  //note if clip near drastic color change in source texture, color may bleed through on //the edges due anti-aliasing. //draws align bottom-left, opengl coordinates. - (void) drawinrect:(cgrect)dest withclip:(cgrect)src withrotation:(cgfloat)rotation {     glfloat      gx0 = src.origin.x/_width, gx1 = (src.origin.x+src.size.width)/_width,     gy0 = src.origin.y/_height, gy1 = (src.origin.y+src.size.height)/_height;     glfloat     coordinates[] = {          gx0,    gy1,         gx1,    gy1,         gx0,    gy0,         gx1,    gy0      };     glfloat vertices[] = {           -dest.size.width/2,     -dest.size.height/2,    0.0,         dest.size.width/2,      -dest.size.height/2,    0.0,         -dest.size.width/2,     dest.size.height/2,     0.0,         dest.size.width/2,      dest.size.height/2,     0.0      };      glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, _name);     glvertexpointer(3, gl_float, 0, vertices);     gltexcoordpointer(2, gl_float, 0, coordinates);      glpushmatrix();     gltranslatef(dest.origin.x+dest.size.width/2, dest.origin.y+dest.size.height/2, 0);     glrotatef(rotation, 0, 0, 1); //in degrees, screen origin.     gldrawarrays(gl_triangle_strip, 0, 4);     glpopmatrix(); }  - (void) drawinrect:(cgrect)rect {     glfloat  coordinates[] = {  0,      _maxt,         _maxs,  _maxt,         0,      0,         _maxs,  0  };     glfloat vertices[] = {  rect.origin.x,                          rect.origin.y,                          0.0,         rect.origin.x + rect.size.width,        rect.origin.y,                          0.0,         rect.origin.x,                          rect.origin.y + rect.size.height,       0.0,         rect.origin.x + rect.size.width,        rect.origin.y + rect.size.height,       0.0 };      glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, _name);     glvertexpointer(3, gl_float, 0, vertices);     gltexcoordpointer(2, gl_float, 0, coordinates);     gldrawarrays(gl_triangle_strip, 0, 4); }  - (void) drawinvertices:(glfloat*) vertices {     glfloat  coordinates[] = {  0,      _maxt,         _maxs,  _maxt,         0,      0,         _maxs,  0  };      glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, _name);     glvertexpointer(3, gl_float, 0, vertices);     gltexcoordpointer(2, gl_float, 0, coordinates);     gldrawarrays(gl_triangle_strip, 0, 4); }   @end 


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