- Using Resource .resx file in Class library project -

i have used resource file(.resx) file in class library project store error messages. when set "build action" "embedded resource" resx file , deploy works fine. separate resource file dll since may need change error messages in resx file in future without need recompiling class library project. tried other option in "build action" property content,resource, etc nothing seems working in way require. when use these property getting below error,

not find resources appropriate specified culture or neutral culture. make sure correctly embedded or linked assembly @ compile time, or satellite assemblies required loadable , signed.

is there way resolve error , make work?

resource files have set embedded - that's how work.

you can create assembly containing resources , reference - way can redeploy updated resources. requires bit more work in code (loading assembly in order able embedded resources).

however, description (text messages need editable after deployment), perhaps storing these in configuration better option (in particular if not localizing).


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