objective c - Two switches in a window on iPhone -

i've started learning how develop iphone app.

i'm trying make app 2 switches. made 2 classes (switch1 & switch2). first, tested app 1 switch (switch1), , app worked. when made second class (switch2) , build/run app, first switch (switch1) disappeared, , saw second switch (switch2).

after made background of (switch1 & switch2) celarcolor, see both of switches. however, first switch (switch1) can't switched.

so think problem how make both switches (switch1 & switch2) visible , working @ same time in "window"

the question (could stupid): can make them visible , working @ same time? think problem in following code: appdelegate

uiscreen *s1 = [uiscreen mainscreen]; view1 = [[switch1 alloc] initwithframe: s1.applicationframe]; window = [[uiwindow alloc] initwithframe: s1.bounds];  [window addsubview: view1]; [window makekeyandvisible];   uiscreen *s2 = [uiscreen mainscreen]; view2 = [[switch2 alloc] initwithframe: s2.applicationframe]; window = [[uiwindow alloc] initwithframe: s2.bounds];  [window addsubview: view2]; [window makekeyandvisible]; return yes; 

here switch1.h #import

@interface switch1 : uiview { uiswitch *myswitch1;  }  @property (nonatomic, retain) iboutlet uiswitch *myswitch1;  @end 

here switch1.m

#import "switch1.h"  @implementation switch1 @synthesize myswitch1;  - (id) initwithframe: (cgrect) frame { if ((self = [super initwithframe: frame])) { // initialization code self.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor];  myswitch1 = [[uiswitch alloc] initwithframe: cgrectzero]; if (myswitch1 == nil) { [self release]; return nil; }      myswitch1.on = no;  //the default      [myswitch1 addtarget: [uiapplication sharedapplication].delegate                  action: @selector(valuechanged:)        forcontrolevents: uicontroleventvaluechanged      ];  cgrect b1 = self.bounds;  myswitch1.transform = cgaffinetransformmakescale(2, 2); myswitch1.center = cgpointmake( b1.origin.x + b1.size.width / 2, b1.origin.y + b1.size.height / 2 );  [self addsubview: myswitch1]; } return self; }  /*  // override drawrect: if perform custom drawing.  // empty implementation adversely affects performance during animation.  - (void) drawrect: (cgrect) rect {  // drawing code  }  */   - (void) dealloc { [myswitch1 release]; [super dealloc]; }  @end 

you might want configure view controller view , toss 2 switches on first. understand mvc patterns here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/general/conceptual/devpedia-cocoacore/mvc.html

and here's view controller guide: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#featuredarticles/viewcontrollerpgforiphoneos/introduction/introduction.html.

when you're initializing uiscreen, you're making both switches same size (the window size) , switch 2 on switch 1 since it's initialized second.


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