How to approach Java 2D performance variations between different computers? -

i've been designing card game in java on windows. runs on laptop , few others, on lot of other systems (even few newer ones both mac , windows) animation incredibly slow.

i've found user interface toolkits java best resource far, haven't been able make significant improvement. i'm using awt/swing libraries.

looking @ my game, (<1.5mb), how on computers (of similar spec) performance seems less on laptop? entire app event-driven , i've done of optimization reckon done given implementation.

i have feeling memory-related. create (compatible) , store images array @ start, , reference them there.

note: decided make game can learn , practice new ideas, i'm not trying share - i'm interested find out what's going on here.

on not operating systems, java 2d rendering pipeline supports hardware acceleration gpu. depends on java implementation you're using.

one of new features oracle's java se 7 implementation (which coming out @ end of month) this: xrender pipeline java 2d means have better performing 2d graphics on linux.

for windows, in java se 6 update 10 there improvements make java 2d perform better using direct3d hardware acceleration (source).


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