Calling Gephi from Ruby on Rails -

i'm interested in building data visualisation component , can see how done prefer not reinvent exists. if 'first' i'm prepared put initial code on github others share [and improve !!]

essentially i'd able following:

1) access table or tables within database , create nodes based on entries within them. add nodes on create, remove them on delete.

2) use foreign keys and/or join tables [for many-many links] create edges. add edge(s) when node created, remove edges when node deleted, check , add/remove edges when node updated.

3) pass nodes , edges gephi display

i can see how steps 1 , 2 , -- haven't been able find (after searching) how step 3.

has had success in doing this? -- example code they're willing share ?


we tried similar once, may not much. wrote rake task got data out our db, fed gephi manually. wasn't satisfactory , in end went rake task -> csv -> r script visualization (basically connections of users on world map). if not dead set on using gephi show of r code :-)


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