Change column for joined class mapping in Fluent NHibernate Automapping -

i have inheritance

public abstract class userentity : entity {     public virtual int id { get; protected set; } }  public class employee : userentity {     public virtual string email { get; set; } } 

entity standard nh class overridden methods equals, gethashcode, etc. , use autmap rewriting .includebase()

i got fluent nhibernate automapping

<class xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" name="dto.entities.userentity" table="userentities">     <id name="id" type="system.int32">       <column name="id" />       <generator class="identity" />     </id>     <joined-subclass name="dto.entities.employee" table="employees">       <key foreign-key="fk_employee_userentity">         <column name="userentityid" />       </key>       <property name="email" type="system.string">         <column name="email" />       </property>     </joined-subclass> </class> 

i want change name key column in joined subclass userentityid employeeid

i try

public class userentityoverride : iautomappingoverride<userentity> {     public void override(automapping<userentity> mapping)     {         mapping.joinedsubclass<employee>("employeeid");     } } 

but didn't have success.

i use latest moment fnh nuget package: fluentnhibernate have more configuration , conventions can somehow affect on configuration ignoring, have tried on clear solution same negative result.


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