javascript - Default path problem in backbone.js -

i'm trying create first bb app. it's going ok have problem. router looks this:

var playersapprouter = backbone.router.extend({     routes: {         '': 'index',     },      initialize: function () {         this.model = new playersappmodel({});         this.view = new playersappview({model: this.model});     },      index: function () {         alert('it works'); //<-- doesn't     }, }); 

and later in code have:

$(function () { = new playersapprouter;         backbone.history.start({pushstate: true});          app.model.players.reset(<?php require('players.php'); ?>); //<-- players.php loads bunch of json data. }); 

now, why doesn't index action of router fire? doing wrong? there other problems code?

the full app can found here:

get rid of pushstate:true @ works

there maybe bug pushsate. see here


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