JavaScript: Do I need a recursive function to solve this problem? -

in fiddle, if click black button, randomly selects 1 of 2 values (red or blue) array. randomly selected value assigned ran. in real life application, there 16 elements in array.

if pink "playagain" button, chooses random element same array want make sure it's not same 1 chosen last time.

therefore, when click playagain, assign ran lastran , compare next randomly chosen value array and, if same, choose randomly again. however, way have isn't guaranteeing (upon completion of playagain) ran different.

i think need recursive function comment 2 in code below, keep breaking code when try create it.

can comment on 3 comments in code below?

note, i'm relative newbie, code awful...

$("#playagain").click(function(){     lastran = ran;        ran = getrandom(myarray, true);      if (ran === lastran) {           ran = getrandom(myarray, true); //1. need return this?             //2. want test ran === lastran again.. how set recursive function?      } else {         return; // right thing here?     }    }); 

you can use while loop instead of if.

while(ran == lastran) {   ran = getrandom(myarray, true); } 

it'll keep trying until gets different value.


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