r - convert factor to date with empty cells -

i have factor vector x looking this:

"" "1992-02-13" "2011-03-10" "" "1998-11-30" 

can convert vector date vector (using as.date())?

trying obvious way gives me:

> x <- as.date(x) error in chartodate(x) : character string not in standard unambiguous format 

at moment solve problem this:

> levels(x)[1] <- na > x <- as.date(x) 

but doesn't elegant...

thank in advance!

you need tell as.date format expect in character vector:

xd <- as.date(x, format="%y-%m-%d") xd [1] na           "1992-02-13" "2011-03-10" na           "1998-11-30"  illustrate these indeed dates: xd[3] - xd[2] time difference of 6965 days 

ps. conversion using as.date works regardless of whether data character vector or factor.


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