Audio and video mixing with php or .net -

here queries :

[1] audio file mixing

need mix (not merge) 2 audio files (.mp3) create 1 single file (.mp3). bit rates of audio files mixed same , bit rate of final mixed file should remain same.

[2] create custom video

also need create video (.mp4 or .mpg) few different transitions (atleast 5-6) using available images show slide show , audio file played in background.

all required achieved using .net , php both. need suggestions related 3rd party tools/libraries (free or paid) can used.

let me know if more details required.

you want investigate, command line audio processing utility. can invoke either php or .net (a win binary available) executing via shell.

never used it, , it's not clear how , want mix. have consult manpage unless need effects it's just:

system("sox input1.mp3 input2.mp3 mix output.mp3"); 

merging audio , images video file quite simple ffmpeg, it's again simple invoke via commandline. mencoder allows more transitions.


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