c++ - Luabind: return_stl_iterator for std::map -

is there way return stl iterator std::map (e.g. std::map<const std::string, int>)?

luabind definition example class:

class_<someclass>( "someclass" )   .property( "items", &someclass::getitems, return_stl_iterator ) 

getitems() returns const reference std::map container.

when accessing in lua this:

for item in some_class.items   ... end 

luabind throws std::runtime_error saying "trying use unregistered class". iterating on std::maps not possible? (the documentation says containers having begin() , end() work...)

perhaps "unregistered class" std::pair<const std::string, int>. can try registering luabind , see if works then?


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