ColdFusion: Using CFINCLUDE in Dreamweaver -
i having trouble displaying <body>
in "design" view when include <cfinclude template="file.cfm">
tag in dreamweaver. when include <cfinclude template>
tag shows template file, when remove it shows <body>
without template in live view? causing <body> data </body>
not appear in "design" view <cfinclude template>
tag in code? code below...........
<head> <title>site name</title> <cfinclude template="header.cfm"> </head> <body> <p><img src="imgname.jpg" alt="" name="home" width="843" height="493" id="home" /></p> </body>
its bit difficult see trying achieve here doing cfinclude server side process won't see results of include in dreamweaver design view since not running through server. you'll see in live view becuase being run through server.
another thing see doing include in of template. if header has html you'd want put between tags or won't show up. cfincludes processed inline code include placed right have tag.
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