database - How to create more than one table in sqlite in android? -
i have 3 tables in db. try out many sample regarding creating db in sqlite, , works out find of them 1 table only....
i try many ways execute queries db.execsql(query) create each table in oncreate errors ..
so strategies create more 1 table??? should create many class represent each table extends sqliteopenhelper???
here part of class extends sqliteopenhelper
public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) { // todo auto-generated method stub try{ db.execsql(create_table_1); db.execsql(create_table_2); db.execsql(create_table_3); }catch( exception e){ log.e("dbadapter", e.getmessage().tostring()); } } @override public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) { // todo auto-generated method stub db.execsql("drop table if exists " + table_1); db.execsql("drop table if exists " + table_2); db.execsql("drop table if exists " + table_3); oncreate(db); }
it seems table2, , table3 not create cuz when insert data table 2 error - no such table2 found !!!
here created table string:
//create script patient public static string create_table_1= "create table " + table_user + " (" + user_id + " integer primary key autoincrement, " + user_name + " text not null, " + device_key + " text not null );" ; public static string create_table_2= "create table " + table_gps_setting + " (" + settin + " integer primary key autoincrement, " + refresval + " long not null, " + ode + " varchar(20), " + _type + " varchar(20) );" ; public static string create_table_3= "create table " + table_w + " (" + gpd + " integer primary key autoincrement, " + litude + " double, " + litude + " double, " + atude + "integer,"+ m + "integer,"+ dtion + "integer,"+ dance + "integer,"+ ldd + "integer,"+ sesid + "double,"+ acccy + "double,"+ tmp + "long,"+ tate + "text,"+ d_id + "text);" ;
any idea?
you can create many table want this.
db.execsql(table1); db.execsql(table2);
where table1 string containing table creation command
problem trying create table after creating database.uninstall application , run sql statements create tables in database.
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