How to control a serial device on Android? -

i want develop application whitch control serial device on usb, on linux android.
android os 3.1 supports usb host.

q1: please let me know how port serial device mounted .

i got usb device information when got "dump device state" on dalvik debug monitor.
and, checked /dev/tty* on android device using adb.
don't know one(/dev/tty??) serial device is.

adb shell
$ ls /dev/tty*

q2: please let me know how control serial device on android without root permission.

i have application(exe) can control serial device on linux.
tried on android , couldn't permission denied.

and, tried redirect serial port(maybe)
$ ls > /dev/ttys0
cannot create /dev/ttys0: permission denied.

please let me know how control , access serial device.

there great review of in xda forum thread:

how talk modem @ commands.

that thread show how send @ commands (atc) remote terminal (usb connected pc), has not yet solved problem of how use local (phone) terminal talk phone modem.

btw. need terminal application/program talking modem (remember, 2-way communication). that's why need rooted device, since root kit come busybox (that includes microcom terminal program). otherwise have write own program.


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