javascript - Design pattern to support last-in callbacks (e.g. handling hashchange) -

on web page, have multiple independent plug-ins (for lack of better word) interact location.hash of browser. (i have bit of code keeps work separated, that's irrelevant question.) example, have:

// file1.js $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){ ... } );  // file2.js $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){ ... } ); 

the above works desired when hash changes after page loads. however, need code process whatever hash page loads with. if write code:

// file1.js $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){ ... } ).trigger('hashchange');  // file2.js $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){ ... } ).trigger('hashchange'); 

...then first set of code run twice. not desirable.

what's pattern triggering hashchange event once, after event handlers have been put in place?

one option namespace event handlers , triggers:

// file1.js $(window).bind('hashchange.file1', function(){...} ).trigger('hashchange.file1');  // file2.js $(window).bind('hashchange.file2', function(){...} ).trigger('hashchange.file2'); 

this cause both handlers run whenever generic hashchange event occurs, cause namespaced handler run when triggered.


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