Android, trouble with clicking after layout animation -

i have listview on screen , menu @ bottom. upon click of menu key, animates-slides off screen , listview expands.

        menubtmvisable = false;         animation menu_off = animationutils.loadanimation(this, r.anim.menu_off);         menubtm.startanimation(menu_off);          display display = getwindowmanager().getdefaultdisplay();          layoutparams listlp = new layoutparams(display.getwidth(), display.getheight()-87 , 0, 50);         listviewmain.setlayoutparams(listlp); 


 <set     android:fillenabled="true"     android:fillafter="true"     xmlns:android="">     <translate         android:fromydelta="0"         android:toydelta="120"         android:duration="500"      /> </set> 

yet when, menu down, click on listview item "13" ( see picture ), results in menu click, if still in place...

what think best way take care of it?


i've looking answer problem that, , finally, after week, i've managed solve problem. since looks similar yours, maybe you.

set , animationlistener() in animation and, onanimationend, change layout want. in case, wanted slide layout up, 2 buttons appear below. however, layout slided visually; buttons still off screen, interactionally speaking. have this:

final view screen = findviewbyid(; final animation = animationutils.loadanimation(getapplicationcontext(), r.anim.slide_home_up); a.setfillafter(true); a.setanimationlistener(new animationlistener() {      public void onanimationstart(animation animation) {     }      public void onanimationrepeat(animation animation) {     }      public void onanimationend(animation animation) {         screen.clearanimation();         screen.setpadding(0, -222, 0, 0);     } }); screen.startanimation(a); 


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