c# - How do I write a list using BinaryWriter? -

i want use generic writelist(list value) function write list using binarywriter. here code using:

public void writelist<t>(list<t> value) {     (int = 0; < value.count; i++)     {         _writer.write(value[i]);     } } 

the error receiving is:

 error  1   best overloaded method match 'system.io.binarywriter.write(bool)' has invalid arguments     error   2   argument 1: cannot convert 't' 'bool'    

the binaryformatter absolutely not option.

if check out docs binarywriter you'll see doesnt accept argument of object (writes primitive types), , compiler trying best @ overload, , failing, since can't cast t bool, or else binarwwriter like.

you're going have convert object binarywriter work with.


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