c# - Visifire MVVM: Is it possible to have visifire chart's data series collection property in view model? -

i have created silverlight 4 application , using visifire charting components.

i using mvvm pattern , have created view contains:

<charts:chart x:name="mychart"> 

the issue number of data series of chart change.

i have got of logic in place , working if don't use mvvm model , directly set mychart's series property.

now, want set data series collection of chart in view model.

i have created dataseriescollection property in view model.

if setting data series collection in backend code (if not using mvvm), simply:

this.mychart.series = mydataseriescollection; 

where mydataseriescollection collection of dataseries

but don't know how need set binding of dataseriescollection in xaml.

as @ sep 2010 looks dataseries property not bindable:

see forum post, aswered visifire: databinding series property?

it may visifire few steps behind latest trends towards mvvm , binding everything.


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