Maven-generated GWT Servlet not Responding -

i used gwt maven plug-in (version 2.3.0) generate gwt project. nice thing maven plug-in takes care of generating async part of service. appears work servlet not responding both when running in hosted mode (running in jetty) , when deploying resulting war tomcat.

my problem servlet not responding. onsuccess() callback invoked null values. pretty copied tutorial gwt homepage, service created in way:

final statusserviceasync statusservice = gwt.create(statusservice.class); 

here service interface:

@remoteservicerelativepath("status") public interface statusservice extends remoteservice {     string getstatus(string someinput); } 

as mentioned, async counterpart generated maven plug-in. web.xml looks this:

<servlet>    <servlet-name>statusservlet</servlet-name>    <servlet-class>my.package.statusserviceimpl</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping>   <servlet-name>statusservlet</servlet-name>   <url-pattern>/statusboard/status</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <welcome-file-list>   <welcome-file>statusboard.html</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list> 

at first, thought configuration totally wrong played around little bit. when changed <servlet-class> value, servlet container logged classnotfoundexception. changed @remoteservicerelativepath got error. configuration can't totally wrong.

here server-side code (i stripped down see nothing else go wrong):

public class statusserviceimpl extends remoteserviceservlet implements statusservice {     private static final long serialversionuid = 3317511632727461036l;      @override     public string getstatus(final string someinput)     {         return someinput;     } } 

sorry forgot detail sometimes, debugger doesn't recognize breakpoint in servlet. when does, returned value still null.

any ideas appreciated!

by default, gwt app has base url module name. if have used "rename-to" attribute in gwt.xml file, value base url. in case, looking @ web.xml entries, module should named "statusboard." or change url "rename-to" value.


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