jsf - Enabling and disabling components via select checkbox -

i have component , i'm trying disable panelgrid below.

<h:selectbooleancheckbox id="checkboxid" value="#{bean.checked}">     <p:ajax update="panelid" event="click"/>                                     </h:selectbooleancheckbox> <h:panelgrid id="panelid" rendered="#{!bean.checked}">     <h:outputlabel>some text</h:outputlabel>     <h:outputlabel>#registrationbb.registrationmodel.homeaddress.actualaddressmathwithregistration}</h:outputlabel> </h:panelgrid> 

as result clicking on checkbox doesn't take no effect. check indicator doesn't appear on checkbox component , value bean:checked doesn't sent server. tried use also. check indicator appeared panel not refreshed

how use update via checkbox right?

the example below got work:

<h:form>     <h:selectbooleancheckbox id="checkboxid" value="#{indexbean.checked}" >         <p:ajax event="change" update="panelid" />     </h:selectbooleancheckbox>      <h:panelgrid id="panelid" style="border:solid 1px black;" >         <h:outputlabel rendered="#{!indexbean.checked}" >some text</h:outputlabel>         <h:outputtext rendered="#{!indexbean.checked}" value="some text 2" />     </h:panelgrid> </h:form> 

i had change <p:ajax> event click change checkbox working. other issue if don't render <h:panelgrid> id can not found update, want move rendered attribute components inside <h:panelgrid> still update <h:panelgrid>.


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