mobile - Time division multiplexing -

i have doubt regarding time division multipluxing. in gsm using time division multiplexing. in time division multiplxing, there timeslots foreach signel. while using gsm mobiles, getting continues flow of data, not transmitting continuesly rite??

how continues signal if transmission done using tdm.

the simple answer you're not receiving continuous flow of data. receiving short bursts of data close enough seem form continuous stream.

in case care, specific numbers gsm starts 4.615 ms frames, each of divided 8 timeslots of .577 ms. so, particular mobile handset receives data .577 ms, waits ~4 ms, receives data .577 ms, , on. there's delay of 3 time slots between receiving , transmitting, receives data, ~1.8 ms later, gets transmit .577 ms.

the timing close enough if (for example) signal gets weak and/or there's interference few ms, , particular hand-set misses receiving data 1 time slot won't audible. when signal lost 20 ms, people can start perceive actual signal loss. losses shorter result in lower sound fidelity, not actual loss of signal.

it's worth noting of newer (3g, 4g, lte) systems work entirely differently, being based on cdma instead of tdma.


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