routing - how to do testing of rails layouts, when they call url_for -

i have test case tests layout. looks see if links present or absent different kinds of users (admin links, instance). worked fine until started localize of our interface.

describe "layouts/application"   include devise::testhelpers   fixtures :users    "renders admin link admin user"     @admin = users(:admin)     sign_in(@admin)     @locale = 'en'     render     rendered.should match(/administration/)   end end 

the layout contains call <%= toggle_language %>, uses url_for generate url current one, :locale parameter changed:

def toggle_language   case locale   when :fr     other=:en   when :en     other=:fr   else     other=:fr   end   link_to t(:other_language), url_for(:locale => other) end 

the problem since have no controller called "layouts", url_for can't generate needs.

1) layouts/application renders admin link admin user  failure/error: render  actionview::template::error:    no route matches {:controller=>"layouts", :locale=>:fr, :action=>"application"} 

i've looked see if perhaps rspec render command take :controller,:action, point @ valid route. haven't found such thing yet.

yes, stubbing out works well.


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