Cant hide application icon from the Android Menu? -

i have landed in situation want start install of third party app (lets app y) app (x) , not want application y icon created on android main menu.

i have tried code below still there icon of app y getting created in main menu after app y gets installed successfully. please remember can not change manifest of app y third party app.

i have tried suggestions on following link have not resolved problem:

how hide application icon android desktop? ++++++++++

file file = new file("/sdcard/myapps/app y.apk");  intent intent = new intent(); uri uri = uri.fromfile(file);  intent.setaction(android.content.intent.action_view);  intent.removecategory("android.intent.category.launcher");  intent.setdataandtype(uri.parse(uri.tostring()), "application/");  startactivity(intent); 


please let me know suggestions/inputs on this.


the way remove intentfilter defined in package's androidmanifest.xml file: there no way third party installer this.


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