django - website not working in chrome but working in IE , firefox -

i m facing peculiar problem, have django powered site , works fine on local host in firefox,ie , google chrome.when put on server works fine on firefox,ie not on chrome problem each time login in chrome , , try visit other pages, redirects me login page, means session variables arent stored or may other problem such thing doesnt happen in mozilla firefox , ie

it grateful if 1 guide me cause m stuck , site needs ready in week

if m not specific please ask specifications

thanks in advance

this .htaccess files suphp_configpath /home/shaastra authuserfile /home/shaastra/public_html/2011/erp/.htpasswd authtype basic authname "this area closed now." require valid-user addhandler fastcgi-script .fcgi rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_uri} /2011/erp$ rewriterule .* %{request_uri}/ [r,l] rewriterule ^(media/.*)$ - [qsa,l] rewritecond %{request_uri} !(django.fcgi) rewriterule ^(.*)$ ./django.fcgi/erp/$1 [qsa,l] 

i have no idea source of problem, gc, or maybe settings, there 1 option set age of session maybe forcing you.

#  # 25 minutes session_cookie_age = 150000  # if whant 25 minutes of inactivity should add session_save_every_request = true 

in ticket random session timeouts when setting request.set_expiry(0) said:

i've not seen happen, personally. couple things double-check:

* session backend evicting sessions reason? if 

you're using memcached, case. * have sort of intermediary proxy interfering? fact varying keepalive changes behavior points proxy or else external django.

i suspect isn't django bug: fact modifying apache's conf changes behvior points web server and/or proxy configuration problem. changing these parameters in theory shouldn't affect django @ all.


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