HTML5 History API with Standard links -

so, after redesigning site, thought use html5 history api, when saw brilliant use of here:

problem is, code provided doesn't work me, (using chrome 8).

not entirely sure why, refreshes page href value of link after partial content loaded.

are there other examples of use of api? dont want history.js or uses hash/hashbangs fallback. i'm trying rid of these.

any ideas?

edit: firebug throws 'link has no value' @ me countless requests partially loaded content. after these page refreshes

you have intercept link click , call own pushstate - if check out code on page see event handler:

function addclicker(link) {   link.addeventlistener("click", function(e) {     if (swapphoto(link.href)) {       history.pushstate(null, null, link.href);       e.preventdefault();     }   }, true); } 


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