perl - Downloading or requesting a page using a proxy list? -

i wondering if possible request internet page server via proxy taken proxy list.

i don't know exact terms, i'll explain want: there feature in website counts ips or alike (perhaps cookies), such visitors counter. i'd "fool" "entering" page using many proxies. use tor, that's work - want visit page, let counter or whatever in page know visited, , that's all.

i don't know tags add, had little experiments perl think direction, although couldn't find solution problem.

thank in advance.

you want this:

#/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use lwp::useragent;  $url = shift || '';  $a = lwp::useragent->new; $a->agent('mozilla/5.0'); $a->timeout(20); while (<data>) {   $a->proxy( ['http'], $_ );   warn "failed page proxy $_\n"     unless $a->get( $url )->is_success; }  __data__ 

the code doesn't require explanations. lwp::useragent allows specifying proxy server.

loop through list of proxies, wanted page , you're done.


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