c++ - wrapping a list of structs with boost.python -

i have c++ function returns list of structs. inside struct, there more lists of structs.

struct camerainfo {     camname                     name;     std::list<camimageformat>  limgformats;     std::list<camcontrols>      lcamcontrols; };  std::list<camerainfo> getcamerainfo() {     std::list<camerainfo> lcamerasinfo;     // fill lcamerasinfo     return lcamerasinfo;  } 

then exporting using:

class_<cameranode....> >("cameranode", no_init) ... ... .def("listcamerainfo", make_function(&cameranode::listcamerainfo))         .staticmethod("listcamerainfo") ... ; 

and ok since using cout print data on screen... use return value , it's content python properties, way:

cameras = [] cameras = cameranode.getcamerainfo() print cameras[0].name print cameras[0].limgformats[0] , on... 

is possible?? should using add_property instead? don't think can create class every struct. design made sense while working on c++ have wrap it, i'm getting more , more confused.

any advice on wrapping std::list boost.python in general way accepted.


i add here links i've found useful: iterators stlcontainers

does have std::list ? if use std::vector instead can use boost::python::vector_indexing_suite wrap list. see this post details.

if must use std::list you'll need create helper class wraps std::list functionality python's list methods. can quite involved, doable.


#include <list> #include <algorithm> #include <boost/python.hpp>  template<class t> struct listwrap {     typedef typename t::value_type value_type;     typedef typename t::iterator iter_type;      static void add(t & x, value_type const& v)     {         x.push_back(v);     }      static bool in(t const& x, value_type const& v)     {         return std::find(x.begin(), x.end(), v) != x.end();     }      static int index(t const& x, value_type const& v)     {         int = 0;         for(t::const_iterator it=x.begin(); it!=x.end(); ++it,++i)             if( *it == v ) return i;          pyerr_setstring(pyexc_valueerror, "value not in list");         throw boost::python::error_already_set();     }      static void del(t& x, int i)     {         if( i<0 )              += x.size();          iter_type = x.begin();         (int pos = 0; pos < i; ++pos)             ++it;          if( >= 0 && < (int)x.size() ) {             x.erase(it);         } else {             pyerr_setstring(pyexc_indexerror, "index out of range");             boost::python::throw_error_already_set();         }     }      static value_type& get(t& x, int i)     {         if( < 0 )              += x.size();          if( >= 0 && < (int)x.size() ) {             iter_type = x.begin();              for(int pos = 0; pos < i; ++pos)                 ++it;             return *it;                                      } else {             pyerr_setstring(pyexc_indexerror, "index out of range");             throw boost::python::error_already_set();         }     }      static void set(t& x, int i, value_type const& v)     {         if( < 0 )              += x.size();          if( >= 0 && < (int)x.size() ) {             iter_type = x.begin();              for(int pos = 0; pos < i; ++pos)                 ++it;             *it = v;         } else {             pyerr_setstring(pyexc_indexerror, "index out of range");             boost::python::throw_error_already_set();         }     } };   template<class t> void export_stllist(const char* typename) {     using namespace boost::python;      class_<std::list<t> >(typename)         .def("__len__", &std::list<t>::size)         .def("clear", &std::list<t>::clear)         .def("append", &listwrap<t>::add,             with_custodian_and_ward<1,2>()) // let container keep value         .def("__getitem__", &listwrap<t>::get,             return_value_policy<copy_non_const_reference>())         .def("__setitem__", &listwrap<t>::set,             with_custodian_and_ward<1,2>()) // let container keep value         .def("__delitem__", &listwrap<t>::del)         .def("__contains__", &listwrap<t>::in)         .def("__iter__", iterator<std::list<t> >())         .def("index", &listwrap<t>::index); } 


typedef std::list<int> intlist; export_stllist<int>("intlist"); 


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