iphone - What is the purpose of %new & %class? -

what %new , %class mean in terms of mobilesubstrate tweaks? instance:

%class tpbottomlockbar; 



sorry double question!

these both logos constructs. %new adding new methods class @ runtime, , syntax %new(typeencoding); can information on objective-c type encodings in apple's objective-c runtime documentation. note first 2 arguments these methods id , sel, second 2 characters of type encoding have "@:". first character return type, , else set of custom arguments.

as example, here pretty un-useful method:

%hook nsmutablestring %new(v@:) - (void)appendawesomethings {     [self appendstring:@"awesome."]; } %end 

(this not work nsstring class cluster, serves example no less!)

%class deprecated directive forward-declaring class used @ runtime; it's been replaced %c(classname), used inline. example,

[[%c(nsstring) alloc] initwithstring:@"cool."]; 


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