WPF Binding To Application Properties -

i need bind static properties in app.xaml.cs class , have far done using:

property="{binding source={x.static application.current}, path=somepath}" 

this works ok when application being run directly, when application started application, these bindings don't work believe application.current points @ parent application rather application xaml sits under.

how bind immediate app.xaml.cs file properties rather parent application?

hope makes sense!

so 1 solution i've found far put class between app.xaml.cs , xaml i'm trying bind:


public partial class app : application {     public static string sometext;      protected override void onstartup(startupeventargs e)     {         base.onstartup(e);         sometext = "here text";     } } 


public class myproperties {     public static string sometext     {         { return app.sometext; }     } } 


<window.resources>     <local:myproperties x:key="properties"/> </window.resources>  <grid>     <textblock text="{binding source={staticresource properties},                                path=sometext}"/> </grid> 

any other suggestions still more welcome :)


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