email - How to configure php.ini to work with smtp4dev? -

so, downloaded , installed smtp4dev.

when try sending mail in php file:

mail('localhost', "hey there", "no"); 

i error php.ini, complaining sendmail_from isnt declared.

i tried declaring it:

sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost 

that made php silent, still doesnt work - tries load page 30 seconds , error. fatal error: maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded.

how must configure php.ini work?


[mail function] ; win32 only. ; smtp = localhost ; smtp_port = 25  ; win32 only. ; ;sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost  ; unix only.  may supply arguments (default: "sendmail -t -i"). ; ;sendmail_path = "\"c:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe\" -t"  ; force addition of specified parameters passed parameters ; sendmail binary. these parameters replace value of ; 5th parameter mail(), in safe mode. ;mail.force_extra_parameters =  ; add x-php-originating-script: include uid of script followed filename mail.add_x_header = off  ; log mail() calls including full path of script, line #, address , headers ;mail.log = "c:\xampp\apache\logs\php_mail.log" 

author of smtp4dev here: sorry, following bug:

your php.ini looks correct. try again latest release codeplex , should fine.


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