objective c - Store global local time variables in the database in iphone -

i have been trying store global variables in form of nsdate seems gives error. trying grab current date @ start of application , store date once application finished in database. reason download current date: downloading data may take time , lose seconds in between.

in appdelegate.h

nsdate *today;  @property (nonatomic, retain) nsdate *today; 

in appdelegate.m

today = [nsdate date]; 

when view date today in view controller, stops functioning.

in viewcontroller.m

appdelegate *appdelegate= [[uiapplication sharedapplication] delegate]; [appdelegate today]; // error here  

what correct way in retrieving date variable delegate method?

in code example looks redefining today. should not assigned today directly either way, need set property this.

self.today = [nsdate date]; 

the reason because [nsdate date] autoreleased object , when use property retain you.


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