silverlight - What setting in IIS that could cause XAP to download everytime when access the page from fresh IE? -

i have sample program nothing hello world. open ie , go development environement , access silverlight, loads xap first time , if close ie , open again, xap not downloaded. since there no changes expect not download.

after deploying in qa environement, open ie first time, load xap expected. now close ie , open again, expect not download xap does download xap again. if refresh on page not download xap. happens on fresh ie open in our qa environment.

all above tests done on same box same ie setting. there no client side ie cache issue. did check date , time on servers see if there difference specified in silverlight xap gets downloaded everytime link , our servers in same date , time.

does 1 know how prevent iis not download everytime?

the default settings in ie mean fresh instance of ie always attempt fetch each unique url when first encountered. ie if cache headers sent resource last time fetched indicate resource still fresh.

however ie send if-modified-since and/or if-none-match when re-requests resource has copy of in cache. hence server has option of responding 304 not modified, sure not happening? 304 has no entity body , therefore cheap response.

note ie can make strange heuristic choices if server fails send cache control headers resource. 1 of these choices resource quite large no caching performed.

if haven't done recommend set reasonable expiration on clientbin folder in iis manager (in iis7 select clientbin folder, select "http response header", open "set common headers..", enable expire web content.


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