visual studio - Scrabble Word Placement C# -

i'm writing scrabble-like game in c#. can computer find highest point value word can made using current rack, have no idea how check if word "placeable" on 15*15 gameboard(2d array: string[,]).

in it's default state(with no letters on board) elements set 0.

is allowed

--------------- -------h------- -------e------- -----fill------ -------l------- -------o------- --------------- 

how can check if word not example:

is not allowed

 ---------------  -h-------------  -e------------- fill------------ <-- f out of bounds  -l-------------  -o-------------  --------------- 

is not allowed

 ---------------  -h-------------  -e-w-----------  -l-o-----------  -l-r-----------  foll----------- <-- fill overlapping o  ---d----------- 

the paper, "the worlds fastest scrabble engine" (pdf), 1988 , describes efficient scrabble engine. it's short , surprisingly readable!


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