- How do I load a type from another assembly when in a Web App? -

i have existing code:

    private function gettypefromname(byval fulltypename string, byval assemblyname string) type         dim dirstr = new fileinfo(system.reflection.assembly.getexecutingassembly.location).directoryname         dim asm = [assembly].loadfile(dirstr & "\" & assemblyname & ".dll")         return asm.gettype(fulltypename)     end function 

the result of call routine type instantiated , used within app.

previous use , assumptions

this code used in winforms app locate type based on data loaded config file , passed function.

generally assembly sought referenced application, not case.

as can see, code expects assembly name passed in without ".dll" suffix or path , further assumed resident in same folder executing assembly.

these assumptions have been correct until now.

everything changes

now executing code within web app , seems folder of executing assembly is...

    c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727\temporary files\<assemblyname>\ae5faeca\7d2a827f\assembly\dl3\212260f8\0af7415f_9747cc01\<assemblyname>.dll 

...and further there no other dlls in folder.

i expected folder bin folder of web app , other assemblies available there.

so... how load type assembly when in web app?

what need ensure assembly trying load either lives within websites directory (bin, app_data, etc).

after need httpserverutility.mappath directory expect assembly in. once have that, you'll able load it.

private function gettypefromname(byval fulltypename string, byval assemblyname string) type     dim dirstr = httpserverutility.mappath( "/bin" ) //assuming loading bin directory of website     dim asm = [assembly].loadfile(dirstr & "\" & assemblyname & ".dll")     return asm.gettype(fulltypename) end function 

msdn httpserverutility

hope helps


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