- Problem displaying PDF in IE8 via Silverlight application -

i have silverlight 4 application i'm attempting display pdf. approach has been upon button click in silverlight application, use htmlpage.window.navigate open new browser window. url new browser window navigates web forms page makes call sql reporting services via ssrs soap api. call returns byte array web form streams browser following code:

        byte[] report = ssrsrenderreport(reportpath, primaryid);          response.clearcontent();         response.clearheaders();         response.addheader("cache-control", "must-revalidate");         response.addheader("content-length", report.length.tostring());         response.buffer = true;         response.contenttype = "application/pdf";         this.response.addheader("content-disposition", "inline; filename=whatever.pdf");         response.binarywrite(report);         response.flush();         response.end(); 

this works quite when running application ie9 , firefox. when running application ie8, new browser window displayed after button click closes without ever displaying pdf or prompting open/save pdf.

if take silverlight out of picture , browse directly url renders report, works fine, pdf displayed in browser. i've seen few posts describe issue when https being used, i'm using http currently.

any suggestions on how around issue appreciated.

try this, used embed flash site within silverlight webpage, long sure of size of pdf viewer should ok.


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