php - Hiding URL key parameters with .htaccess -

i've been searching on web , haven't yet found solution issue. i'm hoping shed light on situation.

i have index file set this:

<header></header> <div id="main">     <?php     if(isset($_get["p"])) $p = $_get["p"];     else $p = "home";      if(file_exists("pages/{$p}.php")) include("pages/{$p}.php");     ?> </div> 

which makes me load pages ?p=contact href.

say display users profile. i'd create subfolder in "pages" folder, making relative path pages/users/profile.php, href ?p=users/profile&uid=5. leaves ugly url (as seo rating).

how rewrite url /users/profile/5?

edit: i've tried following, resulting in http 500:

rewriterule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*)$ /?p=$1&uid=$2 [l] 

edit: .htaccess file, located directly inside root folder:
line 338 want achieve (currently comment).

simplest answer both situations add in .htaccess file

rewriteengine on rewritecond $1 !^(index\.php) rewriterule ^(.*)$ /index.php?$1 [l] 

this redirect traffic on domain index.php file.

you determine in script using uri in $_server["request_uri"]


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