Powershell try/catch/finally -

i wrote powershell script works great - however, i'd upgrade script , add error checking / handling - i've been stumped @ first hurdle seems. why won't following code work?

try {   remove-item "c:\somenonexistentfolder\file.txt" -erroraction stop }  catch [system.management.automation.itemnotfoundexception] {   "item not found" }  catch {   "any other undefined errors"   $error[0] }  {   "finished" } 

the error caught in second catch block - can see output $error[0]. catch in first block - missing? thanks

-erroraction stop changing things you. try adding , see get:

catch [system.management.automation.actionpreferencestopexception] { "caught stopexecution exception"  $error[0] } 


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