c# - ASP.net webservice debugging problem - have tried numerous things! -

been trying create asp.net web service in iis, every time try run newly created webservice following error:

unable start debugging on web server. web server not configured correctly.

we have tried following far:

  • made sure website within iis using correct version of asp.net
  • made sure following in web.config file <compilation defaultlanguage="c#" debug="true" />
  • made sure windows integrated authentication enabled in iis
  • since iis installed after visual studio 2008 have run aspnet_regiis.exe

any awesome has stuffed me close day now

if else fails, easy workaround provided can can indeed access url ok - use menu option in visual studio

debug->attach process

find worker process (aspnet_wp.exe on xp or w3wp.exe after) should able debug without problem.


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