cocoa - first mac app - push viewcontroller -

i have question, iphone application , want little mac application.

from clean application add button on mainmenu xib, add nsviewcontroller mainmenu (from ib) 1 action. create new nsviewcontroller (firstviewcontroller) nib file , button. want create function push firstcontroller mainmenu , simple function push mainmenu firstcontroller.

something this

viewcontroller = [[viewcontroller alloc] initwithnibname:@"viewcontroller" bundle:[nsbundle mainbundle]]; [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller: viewcontroller animated:yes]; 

how can it???

i think you're trying bring ios-style interface macos x, , won't work in many cases. macos x user interface different of ios.

ios apps limited single (and small) window, , users 1 thing @ time. navigation interface standardizes way users drill down through different parts of task journey predictable. interface modal in sense user navigating between different parts of app, , user actions linked part of app that's active.

the desktop, on other hand, has plenty of screen space , allows multiple windows. desktop apps should modeless -- user doesn't navigate through app, sees whole thing laid out before him or her. as possible, user should able perform action @ time.

for these reasons, there no navigation controller in cocoa similar cocoa touch's uinavigationcontroller. if can tell more tasks 2 view controllers manage, perhaps here think of ways translate better expected desktop experience.


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