ios - Xcode 4.2 link error: libz issue? -

moving project xcode 4.2, getting number of mach-o linker unresolved errors, things _crc32, _expf, , _unwindsjlj_register, on project compiles , links fine in xcode 4.0.3.

i suspect might libz issue, since previous project linked libz.1.2.3.dylib. removed reference, , added libz.1.2.5.dylib, found in /platforms/iphoneos.platform/devicesupport/5.0 (9a5259f)/symbols 1/usr/lib folder.

i same 39 unresolved references whether include libz.1.2.5.dylib or not, seems suspicious.

link against libz.dylib, add through build phases tab.

project >> target >> build phases >> link binary libraries

press + under list , select libz.dylib add lib work inbetween sdk updates.


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