wpf - How do I create a button that has a uniform width and height? -

i create button size of it's largest edge.

the reason want button small information circle embedded inside datagrid column.

currently have:

<datagridtemplatecolumn>     <datagridtemplatecolumn.celltemplate>         <datatemplate>             <button content="i" padding="2" margin="0"                     verticalalignment="center"                     horizontalalignment="center"                     width="{binding source=self, path=height}">                 <button.template>                     <controltemplate targettype="{x:type button}">                         <grid>                             <ellipse fill="#fff4f4f5" stroke="#ff6695eb"/>                             <contentpresenter margin="0"                                               recognizesaccesskey="false"                                               snapstodevicepixels="true"                                               verticalalignment="center"                                               horizontalalignment="center"                                               />                         </grid>                     </controltemplate>                 </button.template>             </button>         </datatemplate>     </datagridtemplatecolumn.celltemplate> </datagridtemplatecolumn> 

create class derived button , override measuring, e.g.

public class squarebutton : button {     protected override size measureoverride(size constraint)     {         size size = base.measureoverride(constraint);         size.height = size.width = math.max(size.height, size.width);         return size;     } } 

you can use this:

<local:squarebutton      content="i" padding="2" margin="0"     verticalalignment="center"     horizontalalignment="center">     <local:squarebutton.template>         <controltemplate targettype="{x:type button}">             <grid>                 <ellipse fill="#fff4f4f5" stroke="#ff6695eb"/>                 <contentpresenter margin="0"                     recognizesaccesskey="false"                     snapstodevicepixels="true"                     verticalalignment="center"                     horizontalalignment="center"                     />             </grid>         </controltemplate>     </local:squarebutton.template> </local:squarebutton> 


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