ios - NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=61 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Connection refused" -

i have strange problem sending more 1 file on ftp server via wifi network in specific environment. use own, self-made ftp client (made on sockets).

  • when test transfer sending files on server 's1' in environment 'e1' ok.
  • when test transfer sending files server 's2' in 'e1' ok also.
  • when person sending files server 's1' in 'e2' ok, too. but
  • when person sending files server 's2' in 'e2' transfer broken after sending 1 file (!) , error appears:

    error domain=nsposixerrordomain code=61 "the operation couldn’t completed. connection refused"

update: , 1 more important thing: person can send same files success 's2' in 'e2' via other device (nokia symbian).

i have no idea what's going on. you?

's1' - ftp server in location 'e1' - environment: ios device, wifi network w1, firewall f1, 's2' - ftp server in other country 'e2' - environment in other country: ios device, wifi network w2, firewall f2 

the posix network functions not cause ios turn on wifi radio if has gone sleep. must use ns-methods make wake , begin connect.


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