iphone - View is not adjusting itself after hiding Tabbar -

i have uitabbar having 5 tabs

enter image description here

now want hide uitabbar when taps on feed tab. want show full screen there. able hide tabbar uiview of feed screen not adjusting , can see white space @ place of uitabbar. set frame of view after hiding uitabbar not working. how can object of uitabbarcontroller in uiviewcontroller classes added on uitabbar can call delegate methods of uitabbarcontroller. instance, how can have object of uitabbarcontroller in feed class.please help! if not clear please let me know. thanks-

try add self.hidesbottombarwhenpushed = yes; inside of -(id)initwithcoder:(nscoder *)adecoder; of feed class implementation so:

-(id)initwithcoder:(nscoder *)adecoder{     self = [super initwithcoder:adecoder];     if(self){         self.hidesbottombarwhenpushed = yes;         //more of initialization code...     }     return self; } 

it should in -(id)initwithcoder:(nscoder *)adecoder; , not -(id)initwithnibname:(nsstring *)nibnameornil bundle:(nsbundle *)nibbundleornil; view loaded .xib file application.


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