javascript - jQuery tablesorter sort by column id instead of column number -

i have html table i'm sorting jquery tablesorter. have external link sorts table name using javascript. within javascript function though, have sort column 0 instead of saying sort name column.

how can modify have below don't have remember name column 0 in javascript?

$('document').ready(function(){     $('table#classes_table').tablesorter();      $("#sort-link").click(function() {       //how can sort "name" instead of having remember name column 0       var sorting = [[0,0]       $("table").trigger("sorton",[sorting]);       return false;     }); });  <a href="#" id="sort-link">sort name</a><br><br> <table class="tablesorter" id="classes_table">     <thead>       <tr>         <th>name</th>         <th>school</th>         <th>students</th>       </tr>     </thead>     <tbody>       <tr>         <td>class1</td>         <td>school5  </td>         <td>32</td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td>class2</td>         <td>school1</td>         <td>7</td>       </tr>     </tbody> </table> 

you use hack...

var columnindex = $('table > thead > tr > th:contains("name")').index(); 


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