PHP Contact Form not working with Outlook email addresses -

i have contact form on html page. form data sent php page sends info email address. works addresses *@gmail, * person needs receive has outlook set-up address , doesn't work. there setting need somewhere?

here php code:

<?php  $emailfrom = ""; $emailto = ""; $subject = "website contact form"; $name = trim(stripslashes($_post['name']));  $location = trim(stripslashes($_post['location']));  $phone = trim(stripslashes($_post['phone']));  $email = trim(stripslashes($_post['email']));  $comments = trim(stripslashes($_post['comments']));     // prepare email body text $body = ""; $body .= "name: "; $body .= $name; $body .= "\n"; $body .= "location: "; $body .= $location; $body .= "\n"; $body .= "phone: "; $body .= $phone; $body .= "\n"; $body .= "email: "; $body .= $email; $body .= "\n"; $body .= "comments: "; $body .= $comments; $body .= "\n";   // send email  $success = mail($emailto, $subject, $body, "from: <$emailfrom>");  // redirect success page  print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=contactthanks.php\">";  ?> 

this question comes quite bit.

there strong possibility mail client (in case outlook) configured filter messages lack proper headers. @ client point or @ server connection @ smtp time. main thrust of issue basic php mail() core function universally mistrusted due potential abuse spammers.

you should try using library phpmailer guide setting reply-to , other headers properly.


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