c++ - The purpose of stdafx.h (And: Why doesn't this work?) -

i working on project has vendor-provided api. i've made class uses api in project , i've included vendors header file in stdafx.h file. things not compile.

i put #include directly class' header file , things compile (and yes, class includes stdafx.h isn't reason.

do of have guesses why wouldn't compile first time around? isn't project-stopper far i'd prefer if keep vendor api files in stdafx.h belong.

edit: problem solved, i'd created cyclic dependency forgetting #ifndef header file , including them in wrong order. feel idiot.

stdafx.h used in vs generated projects 'container' of headers precompiled.

when added new #include stdafx.h didn't included because project configured use precompiled headers, , when add stdafx.h need regenerate .pch file contains precompiled information.

one way have .cpp file in project nothing #include "stdafx.h". maybe call `precompile.cpp". go project settings for 1 .cpp file , change following setting (for configurations):

"c/c++ | precompiled headers | precompiled header" setting  

and select "create /yc".

that set build when precompile.cpp needs built (because stdafx.h header includes has changed), it'll rebuild .pch file else uses.


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